Sunday, February 26, 2012

AAQI video

AAQI has a video on YouTube of it's March Priority Quilts.  The quilts are up for auction from March 1 - March 10.  Bid high!

On the home front....I have a job!!! I am now a 7th and 8th grade math teacher!

Happy Quilting

1 comment:

Michele Bilyeu said...

Congratulations on getting the job, Caren!

I taught Jr high for one year as a substitute teacher. I was an English teacher and they gave me P.E.,Choir, Band,History, Math, and Welding. I kid you not!

There they were, 18 boys in masked welding hoods, holding torches, staring me in the face as I walked in...5'2", my hair in ringlets.

Shirley Temple meets Iron Men. And boy did I learn survival skills from those kids. They were great and I actually had fun!